Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Labor & Industry (9/12)

Friday, September 12th, 2008

The Second Annual Labor and Industry Show Opens at the Asterisk Gallery this Friday. The show is supported by Cuyahoga Arts and Culture. Labor & Industry returns for Tremont's Art Walk and will showcase works of local artists based on the themes of Labor & Industry through a variety of mediums, photography, painting, sculpture and film.

For 2008, Ohio Canal Corridor looks to enhance "Labor & Industry" by expanding the offerings in a larger venue in Tremont - the Asterisk Gallery. The idea is to continue to associate the exhibit with Labor Day and use Tremont's current position as a destination Art District for promotion.

Contributors: PHOTOGRAPHY * Munroe Copper, Roger Mastroianni, Dan Morgan, Western Reserve Fire Museum, Lou Muenz, Pedro Dell, Cleveland Memories POLITICAL INDUSTRIAL POP ART * Derek Hess JEWELRY * Brandon Holschuh BOOK SIGNING * "Steel Remembered" by Chris Dawson INDUSTRIAL DESIGN * Tribute to Viktor Schreckengost FILM + VIDEO * Historic footage of industry in Cleveland CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE * Stephen Yusko represented by William Busta Gallery TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITHING DEMO * Larry Chiverton SCULPTURE * Sam Mazzolla CONTEMPORARY PAINTING * Anthony Van Rooy MIXED MEDIA / MARITIME ARTIFACTS * Dana Depew INDUSTRIAL BEATS * DJ Adrian Bertolone

For more information visit www.ohiocanal.org or www.asteriskgallery.com

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