Hello & good morning Cleveland!
I hope everyone is in deep into the holiday mode by now. Me? I have put up half the decorations, purchased and wrapped half of my gifts, made LOTS of cookie dough (but nothing baked), sent half of my holiday cards, I really need to complete something. But instead I thought I would take the time to answer my first blog tag.
Last week I was tagged by local blogger
www.heidzillas.com, Thanks Heidi! The tag states that I need to share six non-important things/habits/quirks about myself with my readers, here goes nothing.

1 | I love to collect things. Some of my current collections are vintage buttons, 70's clutch purses, old liqueur carafes, cake stands and globes! I often fill my collecting habiy with quick trips to Unique Thrift on Lorain Ave.
www.uniquethriftstore.com/StoreDetails.aspx?store=14 or for a Saturday morning adventure I scour Suite Lorain
www.suitelorain.net/SuiteLorain24MP4.mov2 | When I grow up I want to own a small bakery with a personal training studio in the back. What could be better work hard to eat sweets? I bake on a weekly basis and try to fit in some sort of exercise daily. While a good run can really excite the endorphins, the sight of a perfect pink chocolate cupcake makes me smile.
3 | I have lived in Cleveland the longest I have lived anywhere. I was born in Kansas City, MO, lived in ME, PA, WV & NY. As a transplant to this city I am a constant observer. As I drive from the East-side to the West-side of the city I notice the beauty, the hustle and bustle and the heart that this amazing city has to offer. I have lived here ten years.
4 | I love to sing. I sing in the car really loud. I used to be in the show choir, the madrigal choir, musical theatre, the school chorus and my church choir all at the same time, a scheduling nightmare. I am not involved in organized music at this time, although I love to go see Lounge Kitty (
www.loungekitty.net) perform and daydream of someday getting back involved in music.
5 | You have the occasion, I have the card. As a designer I take pleasure and delight in a gorgeous greeting card. Small hand letter pressed masterpieces are my favorites. I keep a very organized portfolio filled with tabbed dividers fro any and all occasions. Having a baby, moving into a new apartment, Bon Voyage, just engaged, thank you for dinner...I have just the card for you!
6 | Small everyday patterns in nature excite the me. The other day I was stopped at a red light and out my window noticed the bark on the trunk of a tree. It was a pure geometric natural formation, a pattern that one could replicate, but nature perfected. The structure of a honeycomb. The way the sand ripples on the beach when the tide goes out. The simple but elegant design of a snowflake. All patterns, designs of nature that inspire, excite and intrigue me.
To continue my tag-duties, I must recommend six blogs that I read. Enjoy!
1 |
www.chocolateandzucchini.com2 |
www.mrs-o.org3 |
citified.blogspot.com4 |
www.orangebeautiful.com/blog/5 |
4designerd.blogspot.com6 |
feedingmaybelle.blogspot.comThe official tag rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each person know they have been tagged, comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is posted.
Labels: blogs, collections, dreams, favorites, tag